
Untold stories from the world that bring smiles! Khushiyan Always 😊🌍

About ShivaTells

Hello! I’m a passionate traveler and storyteller on a mission to explore the rich cultural tapestry of India’s tribes and hidden gems. Through my travels, I aim to share the vibrant traditions, breathtaking landscapes, and fascinating stories that make each place unique. Join me on this journey of discovery and let’s uncover the wonders of India together!

Explore The World

Join my stories and delve into the heart of tribal cultures, discover hidden beaches where the sand shimmers, and trek through breathtaking mountains. The world awaits!

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Miju Mishmi tribe

The Colorful Miju Mishmi Tribe of Arunachal Pradesh

The Miju Mishmi tribe, also called Kaman Mishmis, live in the green hills of Arunachal Pradesh, India. Their way of life is like a fascinating story, filled with colorful traditions and a deep love for nature. Let’s explore what makes this tribe so special! History

Idu Mishmi Tribe
Tribe Stories

The Idu Mishmi Tribe (Tiger Tribe): Guardians of Wildlife in Arunachal Pradesh

Throughout history, hunting has been a fundamental human activity for securing food. However, in modern times, it disrupts the delicate balance of nature. In the state of Arunachal Pradesh, India, the Idu Mishmi tribe stands out for their unique tradition of wildlife conservation. Watch the

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